Hello, i have a little problem with my Roland VA-3 Synth touch screen. Like i see or have explained to myself, the touch screen is built up on a table system, columns and rows. The problem himself occurs here, if i click for example on a button, which is in a second row, it activates the button in the first row.If i clikc the button in a third row , it activates the button in a second row and so on.
Heres a little sample.
And now here, if i press the Variations button for example, it activates Button4 features, if i click BUTTON4, it activates BUTTON3.
The biggest problem is, that i cant select the button "Variations", because it is the Last row in a table, and there are no rows in table anymore.
So if anyone has any good suggestions or ideas how to fix the problem, i would appreciate it a lot.