First of all, many thanks to Nigel for all the work & effort he's made to get our forum back up and running again. I was begining to worry that the Synthzone might not be back up for a long time.

Unfortunately, the problem was 'out of Nigel's hands', as it was the SZ 'hosting Server' (Apache) itself that crashed unexpectantly early last week. The unfortunate thing is that (according to our forum moderator, Nigel) all Synthzone postings made since he moved Synthzone to the new server host (from March 2004 to present) was permanently(?)destroyed and no backup exists. My only hope is that Nigel has since discovered differently, and that a backup can be found & retrieved somewhere.

I know many of you (like me) have been suffering withdrawals from not being able to sign on to Synthzone to hangout with what has truly become a close tight knit arranger keyboard family here. Synthzone had become a 'daily fix' (5 years for me) for many of us.

On a positive note (for me), this past week was very productive on other fronts. I learned and arranged MORE 'new tunes' than usual, found time to work with my website designer on my soon to released 'new' UPDATED website, and well as found more time to hang out and play live with local musician buddies. Curious to hear what things others of you here have found extra time for during the week long Synthzone Forum abscence.

In the meantime, Welcome back here to everyone ! I've really missed you all, so looking forward to hearing from you all soon.

