I have an email this morning from Joe Rodney in Southern California.
Many of you do not know Joe. He is a charter member of this forum long before most of us got here, back when there were just a handful of members and the forum was virtually unused. Joe is one fine keyboard player and always has the newest Technics Keyboard. Joe is now 80 years old and has just gone through a dificult surgery. He has had the abdominal aorta anyerism repaired and is now home from the hospital after 16 days. He is quite weak, and was told that it woud take at least 3 to 4 months to recover. Apparantly they had to fix some other problems also.
He sends his thanks to all the Forum friends who prayed for him. He will be on line once a week to read the forum. Please continue to pray for Joe and perhaps post your greeting to him in this post.
Thank you and best to all