The only thing I use arrangers for anyway is the drum and bass tracks from the arranger styles. I like to compose/arrange my other parts. I never use arrangers in a live performance setting, only in a compositional/recording/sequencing manner. That being said, only looking at rhythm tracks, is this basically, what the MOTIF's preset phrases or phrase factory is all about? From the description, it sounds like it responds to chord changes and acts like a "style" where the bass, drums, and maybe guitar/keys are concerned. Is this correct? I still would rather use an arranger for composing and recording over a synth sequencer, because I feel the arranger's 16 track song format makes more sense i.e. intro sections, variation, fills, etc. Sequencers on synths are not as "handy" in that way.

Has anyone ever tried out the preset phrase factory stuff on the motif before? What's it like? And how does it compare to the ease of the arranger style format if you're just isolating a rhythm track in the style?