Hi guys,
this are some screen shoot of our arranger:
TRhis GUI window is double, mean 16X2 midi tracks.
We can have till: 8 Intro, 8 Fill, 8 variation, 8 Ending.

This is the Piano roll editor, with full midi event list, bar, beat... http://www.lionstracs.com/modules/Static_Docs/data/gui/seq242.png
each patter can have indipendent MIDI channel and one of the 14 midi Outputs.

Each CPU Audio and Midi digital Inputs-outputs may be routing in the JACK enviroments, with a lots of indipendents plug-ins, look here: http://www.lionstracs.com/modules/Static_Docs/data/gui/desk.png

After all the digital routing is setting and saved like preset, give the another ANALOG AUDIO MATRIX routing: http://www.lionstracs.com/modules/Static_Docs/data/gui/matrix.png

IF the DSP Dream soundbank is not enough, is possible run in the Arranger, Players, keyboard tone, our new Mediastation Add/Sub synth: http://www.lionstracs.com/modules/Static_Docs/data/gui/msadd.png

Or of couse the 180 Voice Linuxsampler with .GIG library.

Of course, all the new software release and all the mediastation styles, are TOTALLY free to download from our server, just pressing the key: HELP

I think that for the first shipping release, ( end April 2004) the Arranger is enough powerfull.
In the second step, in the arranger will implemented the full Audio streaming, with Pitch shift and Time scratch, the same used now in the double players.
Of couse the arranger here is double too, with the X-fade function.