Hi George, my name is Frank from CT. I won a car stereo shop. The only place around me that has any kind of keyboards is Sam Ash. Yesterday I had to educate them on the 9000Pro. I even stupidly tried to explain about the Solton SD-1. I need help, I own a Triton Pro and a EM-2000.
I am looking to keep the Triton as my home board, and get either a 9000pro and or SD-1 for gigging. We use alot of midi file playback from Trantracks and my own personall. We are a Italian/american band. I need quick access to songs and the ability to search for the next song while the current song is playing. My EM-2000 have all the saongs on zip which is great, how do you recomend if I get one of thsoe keyboards I could transfer the songs.
any help would be aprecciated it thanks