I had to rave about this to someone so I posted it here.

The thread about Dave’s promo pic prompted me to do this telemarketer post (with Nigel’s permission of course).

This is directed to anyone who shaves and anyone who doesn’t shave (and anyone not sure if they do or they don‘t).

I’ve been seeing this new Gillette Fusion Powerglide Pro razor being mentioned all over. So I broke into my piggy bank and took the money out and over to the Walmart and bought one.

I can’t begin to tell you what a difference this new razor has made. I spoke to Gillette on the phone and they said the “blades” are a new design as is the new Powerglide razor itself. It has a “pivot” ball that allows the blade to follow the contours of your face. I no longer have to stretch the skin under my jaw while I cut over it. Now it’s just one swoop and it’s all gone. In fact, it’s only one swoop now all over my face. I shave in ½ the time now and closer than ever. In fact, I shaved 8 days ago and I still have no stubble on my face (well, that’s not really true........it was 7 days).

I always thought of shaving as a man’s version of “childbirth.” Agony! But woman only go through it a few times.....it’s every day for us men (unless you’re a eunuch). This razor really takes all the effort out of shaving. I almost look forward to it now.

And NO, I don’t do publicity work for Gillette!

Another suggestion I read a few years back and it actually works. As most of you know (except for Dave) blades can be rather pricey. They said what causes blades to lose their sharpness is the moisture that remains on them after you shave. So I took a paper clip and bent it into a shape that I could hang on my floor fan and it holds the razor in front of the air flow. I immediately started getting 4-6 months out of each blade when I did that.