While traveling in Italy we met many people who went out of their way to help us, especially when we were lost - which happened often - one fellow even had us follow him to the point we needed to go to get on the highway ...
But unfortunately, today I am going through our bank statements to reconcile the charges we know are ours ... someone got hold of our bank card numbers and wiped out checking account and then some, resulting in the activation of the overdraft protection a number of times ... so far it looks like they got about $10,700 ... fortunately we are protected from the loss ... I have found out that there are card readers out there that can get your card info just by the person standing close to you ... there are also 'protective' card holders that block the signal from these card readers, something I will be looking into ...
Interestingly, the cash withdrawals were made in Germany, which we didn't come close to ...
One conversation I will be having with my bank will be about the fact that even though I told them I would be traveling in Italy, they blocked my cards a few days into the trip for 'suspicious overseas use', but they didn't block them when someone in Germany was withdrawing funds well over my personal limit ...
Be careful out there ...
t. cool