I recently bought an Asus N53SV A1 with i5 chip and 7200HD. My thought was to get a powerful and fast laptop to handle as many needs as possible to avoid extra gear.

So far I have the following programs:

Siglos Karaoke and MP3 player

Notation Composer

This program scolls lead sheets in notation and/or lyrics. I use this to play over midi sequences and edit and create my own.

Music Reader

This is a terrific program that is taking the place of my MPP.

I need the music sometimes for lesser played songs.

VanBasco Player

I use this for MidiKaraoke

VB3 Tonwheel clone


This is a terrific little program with tons of features, small size, and very easy on the CPU usage. The best I've seen.

Kontakt4 and Collossus libraries for great samples.


The best sounding and easiest OMB out there.

There are so many ways to do things and we all do them differently. However, I thought it of interest to some of you to share mine.

pa4X 76 ,SX900, Audya 76,Yamaha S970 , vArranger, Hammond SK1, Ketron SD40, Centerpoint Space Station, Bose compact