This is a direct paste of a post by Bachus at the Korg Forums, makes for interesting reading, if true!! Personally I find it a bit hard to believe, but who knows

Spoke to a Yamaha demonstrator over the weekend, his name was Bert....

he told me that Yamaha would have some surprises for everyone at Musikmesse...

-Tyros 4 rack
-Tyros 4 pro with 76 keys

-Cubase based studio workstation with buildin cubase and VST support... Including a hardware upgrade program for the future...
-VST version of the MOTIF XF, even works with the KARMA software
-VST versions of many of their previous synths
-VSTversion of Tyros 4
-Everything else needed to build your own dreamsystem.

-Modular solo synth with all possible synthesis engines that lets you combine building blocks of the different engines in a modualr sense...

Everyone must be prepared to be surprised in Frankfurt....
