I purchased one of the newest T3 styles, Big Band Train, curious to see if it would sound good in my PSR-S910. I was pretty confident that it would as other T3 styles have sounded great.

When I loaded the style, there was one voice that was missing and wasn't sounding. I made an educated guess that it was a jazz guitar voice for which the T3 has a Mega version and the S910 does not. I assigned the missing voice to Mega! SolidGuitar2, adjusted eq and volume, and the style, assigned the piano voice that defaulted to GM to the Live! GrandPiano - In the end, the style sounds great. A lot of the OTSs are missing, but that's no big deal.

I also found a CVP-409 style that isn't on the T2 or T3, called BaroqueConcerto. It sounds incredible in the S910. Each variation is like a different passage in Bach's Brandenberg Concertos. It really takes advantage of the Mega! Strings, Mega! Trumpet, Live! Harpsichord, and Sweet! Oboe.

The S910 looks identical to the S900, but inside, it's a different animal.
