Due to a change in my day job work schedule I now have a day during the week where I can pick up some mid week/non weekend gigs. Today I played a senior facility that I have not played for a couple of years because they only have Monday thru Friday afternoon entertainment, never wanted to use too much vacation/sick time from the day job to play an hour gig.

Prior to this I played at the facility once per month first using a PSR 3000, then a Tyros2.

The same AD still works at the facility and the first thing she noticed my Korg PA2xPro, then my Bose compact and commented Whoa, you're really stepping up with some "pro looking equipment." I was surprised at the comment since Tyros2 and the Barbetta 31c don't exactly look like toys. Seems to me an AD noticing equipment is more an exception than the rule.

Do your customers/clients notice when you upgrade/downgrade equipment?