Being a songwriter, this is a very scary thought! Meaning, that quite often, I seek feedback on songs I write. Yet, what is feedback worth? As for this forum, I will say it is a cut above; I do value feedback from some poster on here. As for other forums...

In conversations we have had over the years, a friend has expressed disbelief on many occasions about the validity of an American Idol contestant. I would say "What did you think about Sam?" She would say "No way is that real, that guy is a plant." Believing that there is no way anyone could be that bad, yet think that he is okay. Much less, a fit for American Idol. Granted, Sam might be a plant. But I am convinced, some of those atrocities think that they are good!

Point 2. I hobnob on a songwriting forum. Probably the most active on the internet. And I tell ya... some of these folks would give some of these American Idol contestants a run for their money. Meaning... they are SO bad, you shake your head in disbelief that anyone could possibly think the song is worthy of ANYthing positive. Yet, they post their song and what happens? They get accolade after accolade about how great a song it is. And it truly SUCKS. Not just not-very-good. It sucks.

So, I don't mean this to be a gripe about feedback regarding original songs. I mean it as nothing more than a realization that... really... many people are totally tone-deaf and have no sense of rhythm. No ear.

And we worry ourselves sick over this and that to try to sound this way and that way. Ah, but it makes us feel better if we know we sound the best we can. And I suppose, that makes a difference. After all, we CAN hear.

But it makes me wonder... on occasions that I am moved to tears or bliss as to how good a certain concert performance is... it makes me wonder if these people who are sound-wise clueless... do they feel this bliss that a virtuoso can provide? Or can they feel the same such joy from me?

Sorry, just a rambling thought after I heard the third literally awful tune today.
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