chas ... I'm with you on the split definition of 'standards' vs 'jazz standards', with the latter being tunes written BY jazz writers and/or performers for jazz players (primarily at least) ...
It is interesting how some of the standards from the "Great American Song Book" have become standards for jazz players ... If you go to hear a 'jazz group', you can pretty much count on hearing songs such as "All The Things You Are", "Teach Me Tonight", "I'll Remember April", "Summertime" etc. ...
I really enjoy hearing songs with 'simple' chord structures, such as "Sunny" played by jazz players who add the more complex chords ...

I think it's a shame that "Feelings" got the bad rap it did ... The chord structure was similar to other songs such as "A Taste of Honey", that have enjoyed popularity and been played be a wide range of players ... I think it was more the fact that it was sung by just about EVERY major pop artist at the time ...
Besides, I used to do a pretty good job on it myself !!! ...


PS ... anyone else want to join in the discussion?
t. cool