Hi everyone,

I need a small, portable and not too expensive active speaker system for a PSR-S900 to deliver reasonable levels in church (approx 300 people max). In the past I've used the TRS-MS01 system but at very high levels together with a pair of active 50W speakers also running maxed out.

I'm considering either:

Logitech's Z-2300
Logitech's Z-5500
Acoustic Energy Aego M 2.1

I want a smooth full bodied sound, solid but controlled bass and a clean top end, most of all plenty of punch. The AE Aego's sound great (HiFi manufacturer) but I dont know if they can produce enough Watts to deliver. The Z-5500 may be an overkill and some say Logitech isnt so good for music. The 2300's are in the same boat.

Need to make a decision quick, anyone?????


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