
I am experiencing the weirdest, most annoying computer/internet problem such as Jen and I have ever encountered. Jen is a computer whiz with training. She even has built a couple fast, good computers, and she has no clue on this one.

We are having a major problem getting online, getting to all the sites we would want to and being able to stay there.

We can't get on anything that is Yahoo, which is my home page and main email etc. Also can't get on google. Yet, I can get to SZ and other sites. This problem has been off and on and it used to be if it happened,if I couldn't get on my Yahoo main page, I'd go to favorites and find a Yahoo group link and it would work and then I would be able to get to my email and home page. Now this does not even work.

Another example. I went to maynardferguson.com and then clicked their link to get to their forum. It wouldn't do this either.

We have had to reset our DSL modem lately to allow us to get anything at all, plus too many other weird things for me to even remember. There seems to be some inconsistent things going on here.

Does anyone have a clue what's going on and what correction would fix this crazy situation.

Thanx in advance.
