Hello Everyone and Happy New Year to you all!

Ok well at long last I have written a song on my new Roland RS-70. I know that it is not an arranger but hope that you will not hold that against me.

Why I ever bought a synth is quite beyond me as writing music has always been at best a chore and probably (being realistic) a little beyond my capabilities. That's why I loved arrangers because they are the ideal tool for someone like me who has a song in his head and needs a little help to make it coherent musically. I adore writing the lyric but always find the music hard.

Anyway buy a synth I did and persistance (or pig headedness) has resulted in the song I post now! It is called Running Around and I hope you like it.

It is made up of the vocal, A piano, a (basic) bass line and a Jazz Scat voice to (hopefully) give it some depth. Try as I might I could not for the life of me lay down a drum track which is why I am keeping my fingers crossed that the other tracks give it all a bit of movement!

Please try not to listen too critically to the music as this was my first time laying down something track by track. (who am I kidding.... be as critical as you like I really don't mind!) I am seriously considering dashing out to buy an arranger after the stress of this though I will keep the RS-70 because it does have some amazing sounds on it but you can't beat an arranger imho!

Right no more waffling from me ...... here it is..... Running Around

best wishes


[This message has been edited by Tony W (edited 01-01-2006).]