Please Humor an ol'e man here with no tech skills whatso ever....I feel great pride in answering e-mails and dilemma is trying to find and understand the HIGH TECH software and recording related programs
as I said, this is all NEW to me...I've read posts and heard songs posted that were done with software and programs from the computer not in commercial studios...what is
everyone using...I understand that this is
all home studio work but which programs and software is the best and information on using it....up until now, all of my recordings have been done in studios and there are no avenues or options for me here
There is so much I want to do but find it impossible to come up with the correct information...I asked on another post which sound card to a lot of great information and responses but am now understanding that there is more needed, software any and all help will be most graciously accepted....thank you all for your help and're the best.