Saturday I used the Logitech Z2200 system at a gig, not the same way as
most of you but as my own personal keyboard monitor system. I play in a
progressive rock/fusion band so were a bit loud but with the drummer now
playing Roland V-Drums all of the sound is going through the PA. The bass
player used his Hartke amp as a monitor sending a DI to the house board,
same goes for the guitar player who plays through a stereo rig but used
his amp for monitor as well. I have traditionally used in ear monitors but
found that it makes me feel to disconnected from everyone else as well as
the audience. So, I picked up the Z2200 speakers and attached the
Satellites on mic stands and placed the sub right below my keyboard stand.
I took a line from the main board into my keyboard mixer (drums, bass and
guitar) and then ran an aux send of the over all mix to the Logitech's as
well as my keys. Once I got the proper mix I was able to adjust the
loudness with the remote. What a great setup, I finally had the mix the
way I like to hear it all in stereo right at ear level. I also use the
Z2200's at home for practice instead of firing up my P.A or monitors?For
any of you in a band situation and feel the need for a stereo monitor that
sounds good and can be loud enough this is the way to go.