I have decided to take the brand new motorhome to Florida on its first major trip. Rocky Dawg and I will spend about 10 days to trip over to what ever that town is in Florida,(Lakeland?), spend a few days, then wander on back home. I think the Jam is April 15th weekend.
I will prolly travel I-10 in case anyone has a place to park over night and would like someone to play for their supper
I am open to taking along anyone to Florida that might like to share expenses and is a member of the synthzone going to the Jam in Florida, but would not take anyone along on the trip back cause it might take years
The last time I went to Florida in the RV, I didn't get back home for 5 years Stayed at Panama City that winter and then wandered.
Forum organizers please send me current info so I can start planning and paying
I have decided to make the Panama Canal cruise from Florida to San Francisco another time. This Jam is more important
Hope to see everyone there
Best to all

Senior Member SYNTHZONE FORUMS Retired Moderator of Technics Forum
Bill Forrest in SAN JOSE, CALIF. USA
ICQ # 562519
Homepage http://www.anycities.com/bebop/