There's a guy here who has been on top of the music scene for at least 30 years. For many years he had a night club and performed with his combo--3 to 6 pieces.
He now does nightclubs and parties, still from two to 6 pieces.
After years of lugging around B3s and leslies, for the past few years he has used two PSRs. You're not going to believe this but one of them is PSR 510 and the other is PSR 270. He plays left-hand bass on the 270 and piano, strings, EP or organ on the 510. He does all the vocals. I don't believe he even knows the keyboard has drums or automatic features built in.
Often it's just him and a vibe player, and they add a drummer, then a sax, as the jobs get larger. He works 5-7 days/nights a week.
There's a message here somewhere. Oh yeah, I think Uncle Dave has mentioned it many times. It's NOT the keyboard, it's the show.