The Music Finder on the 2100 has 530 records. The first 450 are identical to the 2000 and there are 80 new records. Once again, the song names are distorted a bit (to guard against some kind of copyright worry????) but not so much that the user can't figure many of them out. I've asked some of the psrforums for help in "translating" these new titles yesterday and we got quite a few of them corrected. But there are still some mysteries that remain to be solved. I've listed the information for the new 80 records here:

You'll see the song title, genre, suggested style and tempo. The table also shows the suggestions I've received for the correct titles. Perhaps some of our Synthzone friends can help solve the remaining mysteries. Maybe these songs have already been translated for Tyros owners and they already know the correct answers. When we get them all fixed, I'll post a "corrected" mfd for new PSR2100 owners.
Joe Waters