Went to my local dealer today and he made a decent offer for the PA60.. and after spending an hour with in the shop, i was quite happy to buy it!! Spent a further 4 hours on it after i got it home, and to me this is the i30 with huge knobs on which isnt a bad thing at all! sounds are so much better than i recalled.. styles are either on par or better... im happy anyway!!

Just a couple of very quick questions...

1)Does midi playback display lyrics??? If so, how because i cant seem to initiate it!

2)Is it possible to have the lower end of the keyboard set to have a "full" sound, eg, like on the X1 you can set it to "lower+bass" so that you get like strings + bass ? I can only seem to set it to work with just the strings OR the bass but not both!!!

Thanks for any help..