One way I like to utilize the PSR2000’s ‘Registration Memory Bank (1-8)’ feature is for storing custom voice setups (main, layer, left ) which can then be used with an endless number of styles (both internal & loaded from floppy). This provides 8 more voice set ups to choose from (in addition to the 4 OTS settings stored with the style itself) when playing any given style.

I created 6 different Registration Memory Bank custom voice (instrument) setups:

Jazz Combo
Contemporary Pop
Big Band
Classic Pop/Rock

Each of the above files contains 8 different custom voice setups tailored to a specific music genre.

The ‘main’ &’ layer’ voices are stored in the Registration Memory Contents: ‘voice’ section, while the ‘left’ voice is stored in its’ ‘style’ section. Thus, to store ONLY the panel voices (main, layer, left), you checkmark only the ‘voice’ and ‘style’ boxes in the Registration Memory Bank ‘contents’ window. The next thing to do is set the ‘Freeze’ parameters. Freeze ONLY the ‘style’ part. Now, load one of your customized Registration Bank voice setups such as ‘Jazz Combo’. Press one of the Registration Memory button (1-8) to select a voice setup, then press the Registration Memory ‘Freeze’ button. Now you can select any number of internal styles or styles from floppy and have a total of 12 custom voice setups to quickly choose from.

This all sounds great, right? Well, almost. Unfortunately, there is one serious limitation for players (like me), who play in split mode (fingered: full chord) with both ‘main’ and ‘left’ voice sounds ‘on’ and want to switch between individual registration memory setups (buttons 1-8) which have different ‘left’ voice assignments. Because Yamaha chose (for some unexplainable reason) to store the ‘left’ voice in its’ registration memory content’s ‘style’ section instead of ‘voice’ section (where the main & layer parts are located), it prevents you from being able to change the ‘left’ voice without effectively changing the style too. Yuck!! I hope (in the next PSR2000 OS update) that Yamaha will amend its’ Registration Memory feature so that the ‘left’ voice part is saved in its’ Registration Memory Content’s ‘voice’ section instead of ‘style’ section. This would allow you to then select different Registration Memory setups (buttons 1-8) each having different ‘left’ voice assignments, and not have the style change un-expectantly. This would be possible because you could now store ‘all’ the panel voices (main, layer, left) in the Registration Memory Content’s: ‘voice’ section, so would no longer have to store or freeze the ‘style’ type in Registration Memory.

I hope I was able to explain myself clearly here. I would really appreciate feedback from others on this.


- Scott