I've had this laying around my house for a couple of years.

It's a black box 1 1/4" x 3" x 5 1/2".

It has one 1/4" input for your footswitch. It has one midi out for your keyboard's midi input. It has 4 dip switches to choose which of 16 midi channels you are controlling. It runs on a 9 volt battery. It turns off when you remove your footswitch's 1/4" plug.

The unit sends a sustain message to your keyboard. For those who are using all of the footswitch inputs on their keyboard, this frees up the possibility of adding one more footswitch.

This was made by a fellow named Tom Scarff from Ireland http://tomscarff.tripod.com/, but he doesn't make them anymore. He only sells DIY projects. I bought this about 5 years ago for $85 including shipping.

I am selling it for $15 including shipping anywhere in the USA.
