Drawmer Offers Speaker Protection

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May 12, 2003
The new Drawmer SP2120 Speaker Protector is now available in the U.S. at with a price tag of $849.00 (MSRP). As its name suggests, the Speaker Protector eliminates the possibility of 'unauthorized' excessive sound pressure levels on speaker systems, which could result in damage to both chassis drivers and electronics. The SP2120 also gives venues the opportunity to comply with local legislation regarding noise levels.
Intended for insertion in the sound system immediately prior to the amplifier stage and taking only minutes to install, the SP2120 makes use of Drawmer's experience in designing industry standard dynamic processing devices. Its signal path combines a mixture of 'multiple time constant' circuitry and automatic gain control (AGC) which allows small overloads to sound louder, even though they are not.
The front panel of the 1U, two-channel processor features an integral security lock to ensure that only key holders may make adjustments to the maximum volume levels. In 'unlocked' mode, two front panel pre-sets are available for adjustment by the installer. The first calibrates the 16 segment Left/Right bar graphs and the second sets the absolute volume level to which the system is allowed to perform.

If the SP2120 receives increased signal levels, a transparent protection circuit is activated which maintains the specified volume level without degradation in sound quality. There is no sound quality loss even during heavy protection processing.
The SP2120 eliminates sound system abuse and the resulting cost of chassis speaker re-cones, HF diaphragm replacements and amplifier repairs. It also reduces 'call-out' costs of sound system service and repair engineers, and reduces sound system downtime and the consequential loss of venue income.
For more information, visit their web site at www.transaudiogroup.com.

This might be of interest to those in a Band or even solo acts that want the peace of mind that there speakers won't blow a cork in the middle of a Gig, etc.

Best regards,