Hello everybody

As a newbie in this forum as well as with the SD1 and the Cakewalk Sonar trial version
I hope that somebody can answer some confusion I still have when looking how to
best use all components together.

What I want to do (and for the time being only that): Play an accompaniment on the SD1, record it as a midi file (important would be ALL sounds, not just GM sounds), correct it on the PC if necessary, put the file back on SD1 and play the lead melody life (or alternatively create with CW a complete new accompaniment, which I'm not able to play on the SD1 yet)

1) According the manual it seems not to be possible to record ALL sounds, but only the GM sounds. Is this true? Is there no work-around if I neither want to load the Midi-file on the PC (correction not necessary) nor to give it to somebody else with a different KB? In case of a 'no' I could hardly understand this restriction, I even would be disappointed.

2) Are there for above purpose any advantages instead of copying the midi-file per diskette onto the PC to connect the SD1 to Midi IN/OUT of the soundcard (which I tried out successfully)?

3) What does the change of F6 Midi/Utility/Midi In1 von "GM" to "Keyboard"
provide? What value is best for above purpose? The manual doesn't explain these values.

4) Also "Midi out" and "Comp" in the same menue allow a change from "GM" to "Keyboard". Can I with this values send ALL sounds to the PC, not just the GM sounds?

5) What are "instrument definitions" in CW used for? Again: Are they used to create midifile which make use of ALL sounds and not just the GM sounds? If question 1) is answered with 'no', then I woouldn't see the sense of defining instrument definitions.

Sorry for the many stupid questions, but somewhere I still miss the point.

Thanks in advance for any help!
