Just got back from shopping for a wheelchair for a little guy who washes dishes at one of my house jobs. He has diabetes, and doesn't watch his diet. We've warned him constantly. Sunday, he was rushed to the hospital and they removed his right foot about half-way to his knee.

My friend George, who died last year hadn't been able to put any weight on his feet for a few years and was trying to avoid losing both feet, which his doctors said was eminent. His daughter is in the same shape right now.Our long-time music associate, Willis Clark, had lost a foot to the disease several years ago. It never healed properly before his death.

This little guy has no family, no health insurance and no savings. He lives alone. Luckily, all employees of this little restaurant are splitting the time and going to take care of him. I found him a walker and wheelchair today. His apartment is on the third floor and it is not wheelchair accessible.

Diabetes is SERIUOUS stuff! Please take care of yourselves so we can live to pick on each other in the future.
