Hi there all,
I thought I would share it to you, for anyone that's interested.

Went yesterday to the Duran Duran concert in Greece, (their only one so far, we are somewhat third world).

Mixed emotions. They looked (and they are) like some Brits in their forties. Most of the songs they played I knew since I was in high school (mid 80's), so it was familiar ground.

They didn't play in a theater or stadium, instead they chose a place near Athens, called Terra Vibe, where Rockwave Festival is taking place every year. Some kind of a forest clearing, the ground is not even, it has slopes, trees etc. but it is pleasant.

Anyway the sound didn't thrill me, I don't know if it was the place or the equipment. Guitar was very loud and clear, you could understand what the bassist or the drummer were playing at any time, but the keyboards were not too prominent in the mix. Sometimes I could see his hands playing but I could hear nothing like keyboards in the mix. Only sometimes when in song intros you could hear what the keyboards were all about.

I could see an Alesis keyboard and a Mac notebook, another 2 keyboards and that was the lot.

Some choruses seemed like a preecorded wav triggered by midi. Simon Le Bon (singer) became coarse very quickly (end of 1st hour).

Don't know If i would go again.