Guts, or Balls? And what is the difference?

We all have heard about people who have guts, or have balls. But do you know the difference between the two?

In an effort to keep you informed, please find an appropriate explanation below:

GUTS - Is coming home very late, after a night out with the guys, seeing your wife waiting with the broom stick in her hands and saying "Are you still cleaning or are you going to fly somewhere?"

B@LLS - is coming home very late, after a night out with the guys, reeking in cheap lady's perfume and having lipstick on your collar, and proceed in slapping your wife's b$tt saying "Now it's your turn!"

We hope those explanations have cleared things up for you...
As a matter of fact, from a medical point of view, the result of any of them is the same: A violent death.