I previously had Windows 98 installed, and the CBX drivers worked flawlessly.

Now that I have XP installed, No programs are communicating with my S80. It's behaving like the cable isn't even connected. I've installed the latest CBX drivers for XP (v 2.00), and I have the latest version of XG works (3.07). I've also tried midi with Adobe Audition and Fruity loops to no success.

I've gone thru all the steps I could think of to try and fix this problem. The to-host switch is on PC-2. The only COM port I have is COM-1. The cable is in like new condition. tried reinstalling the drivers and programs. I verified that in the control panel the YAMAHA CBX A DRIVER is selected as the default playback. I've selected the CBX A Driver in all the programs. I even tried a second machine running windows XP. No luck with anything.

Something else I noticed that may be important... When I had 98 installed, if I had the S80 already on when I turned on the computer, I got a midi error. I've read that this is normal and that I'm supposed to turn the computer on first. Well, with XP, I don't get that error if I have my S80 on already when I power up the PC.

Oh, and I have the PLG-150AN and PLG-150PF boards installed.

Short of reinstalling Windows 98, does anyone have any ideas?
Thanks in advance,

[This message has been edited by sdan (edited 12-08-2004).]