Hello to all my Synth Zone family and friends!

I have just completed a video containing the original music and lyrics of a new song I have written. I posted it on my Facebook page, so, any of you who share my FB page probably may already have see this. However, I know that many of you do not have my Facebook link, but my song is also now available on YouTube. So, I think that all or most of you will be able to open a link to that site and I have included that link below. For those of you for whom this is simply a repeat of what you may already have received and/or viewed via Facebook, I apologize. But I am posting it here for all of my Technics contacts to be sure you all have an opportunity to see and hear my song, if you are interested. If you have already seen it, just ignore this post, but perhaps some of you may want to save and/or share the link with others.

If any of you have comments or suggestions, I always appreciate your feedback, although that is certainly not necessary. I just hope you will enjoy my efforts. Thanks for taking the time to read and view my music. If I get any positive responses, I will try again to do this, preparing other videos with still other original sings I have composed over the years. The Technics KN 7000 still lives!

Have a great day and upcoming weekend. The link is below...

Ted Rose
