

It only seems like yesterday, when we decided to add another make of Keyboard to our interests and one we had no experience of - so a complete challenge for us. ('Us' is my wife Sunny and I). She is now the performer, and due to my old age wrist problems (Carpel Tunnel Syndrome - or Repetative Strain Injury), I am the Technician.

A cold and wet drive to the Holiday resort of Blackpool took us to collect our first Technics keyboard, bought for £80 (120 USD) - a KN1000. After 'messing' with it for a couple of months, and being impressed so much with the 'different' sounds, and (to us, after a lifetime of Yamaha!) an easier Operating System, we decided to 'splash the Cash', and bought a KN3000 with hard drive, for £230 (350 USD) - we still remember this one with affection, as for the price and its age, it was still quite an awsome machine.

About six months later, we motored over to Skegness, in Lincolnshire to buy a KN6000, with stand, that had only ever been used by a singer to play midi files to back his songs. Later we added the EW01 expansion board, and the EW65 Upgrade to KN6500 Specification.

The only keyboard we missed out, in our progression was the KN5000 !!

After a year or so of spending a great proportion of our time watching 'PLEASE WAIT' slowly moving across the screen, we started saving our left over pennies from the UK State Pension for the 'Ultimate' - the Awesome (still!) KN7000. which loads 1000 times quicker from its SD Card, has more Polyphony, and lets be honest - what an impressive keyboard it looks !! We had never played one, or even seen one, when a friend told us there was one for sale - absolutely mint - one previous owner who had cherished it, all its little used life. Although he had just bought a Tyros 4, he was really reluctant to part with his 'Baby' and was almost in tears, when he delivered it to our home !!

We are now studying the manual, 3 disks of Tuition and a book called 'Getting The Most from your KN7000, our heads are spinning - thank goodness they are fitted to the neck with a left hand thread !! We will tame the beast. But we are so happy to have 'arrived'.

Kindest regards,


PS. We sadly don't have the CD that should be attached to the front inside cover of the Technote book 'Getting the Most from your KN7000'. If anyone should have this, we would love to borrow it and pay your P&P, and returning it very quickly !! Wink.
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