Iam about to become the proud owner of a KN7000 and am part exchanging my upgraded KN6000/6500. Can anyone who currently owns a KN7000 tell me if the EW01NX and EW02NX expansion boards will fit the KN7000 ?
My dealer tells me that if this is the case she has no objection to my removing the EW02NX board from the KN6000 prior to actually making the physical exchange so that I can install it in the KN7000.
Also you may like to know that the price iam paying for the KN7000 is $4100 Australian
with trade in, if I didnt have a trade in the cash price would have been even less.
I think its a pretty good price judging from the various figures I have been viewing on the forum. If you want to work it out in US$ or pounds -- an Ozzy dollar is worth about 55cents or 35 pence.