Hello K7 Technics Fans,

Our No 2 KN7000 has for a New Zealand winter been in our conservitory near the glass window on its keyboard stand
Hadn't been played for a few weeks
Now to our horrow when the instrument was powered up with no one playing it, it would let out a terrific blast of sound with only the volumn about 1/4 on every now and then .
Then I discovered that all the G notes on the entire length of the keyboard weren't working.
I moved the instrument to our dining room that has a woodburner so I stoked the wood fire up for a day or two
That fixed the problem temporary and it did the same a couple of days later.I now have taken the top off the K7 and warmed up what I could get at with a hair drier.Its behaving OK now with all notes working again.New Zealand in our area only occasionally get to around Zero outside---- Maybe around 5 degrees inside our conservitory several times a winter.
I guess I have learnt a lesson as I must not have a Technics Keyboard near the glass window of a conservitory.

Has anybody else had that experience ? of the cold getting into their Keyboard.?

We have had KN7000's for many years but never experienced this before so now the keyboard needs a warmer home in the house in a winter

Thanks from Dave L. [in New Zealand ]

