I had a great time at the 2007 Jam this year, I felt it was a improvement over the previous years. I gave thought to why it was better, what happened that was so different. I called the event a “Special Happening”, you know the magic that occurs out of simplicity when we allow events to just happen.

It started with exciting Jam e-mails we received from Nadine and Glen. These two people set something very special in motion, giving – adding to – caring. By preparing breakfast each morning they brought a feeling of friends and family, we were no longer a group of casual friends.

Phyllis and I brought our motor home, it was our first extended trip. Nadine and Glenn who are seasoned RV people helped us in every way, even to the point of backing my rig into the parking lot. The feeling of special friends had begun.

The Jam room was busy with all kinds of things going on. Someone was playing a keyboard, others were involved pasting pictures and stuff, I’ve forgotten the name for that kind of thing. Some were at their computers busy as can be. Gary held the position of Computer Central helping others with the transfer music of material. Many of the members just sat and had a chat. See the influence from our friends in the UK, I normally would use the word talk, now it’s chat. Ha ha. The room carried a happy feeling, people were happy to be there, old friendships were being renewed and new friendships were being made.

Our friend Peter from the UK gave a performance, in which told we found out what he was about. He used a KN7 to play a backing while he did his thing – not only was he entertaining, to me, he was an interesting personality that I wanted to get to know. Roger is Roger, in his quiet way he adds a lot to the Jam. His humor, friendship and sensitivity would be missed if he were not there.
I’m glad some of us brought our wives, it brought the volume of conversation to a new high. Ha ha, whoops, careful John. The first night a large group met for dinner at Bob Even’s restaurant, the enjoyment continued, we were friends, we were enjoying our stay together.

The last day everyone started on their way back home Phyllis told Nadine that she was going to miss Roger and Peter – so Nadine packed both Peter and Roger in the motor home and we met in a nearby camping site. Nadine, Glen and our English friends helped us set up our motor home. Then it was off to the pool for a swim. We sat at poolside and had one of the most peaceful enjoyable chats I have ever had, our UK friends are special people, they add so much deal. We had a bite to eat and then sat for the balance of the evening eating popcorn. Glenn drove our friends back to their lodgings.

I have two reasons for telling this story. The first is to tell you that there is much more to our Jam then music and keyboards – much more. The second is that our next Jam I want to be part of a team that welcomes and offers any help to those who have traveled a long distance to be with us.

John C.