Hello again, all my Forum Friends!

I have just finished composing a Christmas song, but I am having trouble finding an appropriate Sound Group, Rhythm Group and any Performance Pads that can be combined to create a truly "Christmas-y" type of arrangement. I have searched the entire data base in the 7000, but I'll be d---ed (that is "darned, of course )if I can find anything that includes the sound of sleigh bells or implies snow falling, church bells calling, etc.--all those things that make Christmas tunes sound so festive and fun. My song, I think, is along the lines of The Christmas Song ("Chestnuts Roasting...") or "White Christmas" (hardly as beautiful or creative, however!). As a total dummy in making my own style arrangements, I am asking here for your help, either on the Forum or via direct e-mail to me. It strikes me as odd that none of the Performance Pads include holiday fun additions (such as the aforementioned sleigh bells, etc.). So, guys and gals, there is a challenge for you. I hope I am not imposing, but I know how much some of you enjoy doing this sort of thing and sharing with those of us who are not adept at creating worthwhile style settings, like me .

Thanks in advance for all your help; I have no doubt that, in due time, I will find what I am seeking from you great gurus of the 7000 (or whatever other) keyboard.

Happy Thanksgiving in advance to all my American friends; Happy November to all my international buddies!

Ted Rose