I am hoping someone can help me out here.

I have a Technics KN 5000 connected to my PC running Logic Audio through a STA DSP2000.

It works great in GM mode but I have trouble accessing the great sounds in the KN 5000 for use in the sequences I have made and edited on the PC. In GM mode I can choose instruments from the list and they are all named accordingly. I have found that I can access the other non GM sounds from the 5000, but there is no "map" for them.

I am changing banks and basically groping around in the dark to find the good sounds.
I have started to map them out on paper, but I was wondering if there was a patch or something that would enable Logic on the PC to "see" the sounds on the KN 5000 as it does with GM mode.

There appears to be maps for other brands of keyboards in Logic (Roland, Yamaha etc..) but not for Technics.

Any help would be greatly appreciated!