Hi all,

Please, I need answers to the following:

On my AJAMSONIC upgrade, can anyone tell me in which styles the following RAM voices are used:(*** indicates the ones that I really need accurate answers for as I've put new voices in those slots)

Arp_Chem-130 ***
Arp_Bright-130 ***
Brass Shake
Hard Rock
Organ Bars
Sax Tenor Up
Trumpet Up
X-More Hook ***
X-New Age
X-Trombone_Up ***

Then also, either the Ketron 2011 or Ketron 2012 upgrade added two new voices to be loaded into RAM on start-up. Which voices are these and in which styles are they used?

My dilemma is this - I do not have enough RAM to load more voices, so I've replaced some of these with voices of my choice to be loaded at start-up. I now have to go & fix all those styles with wrong or missing voices.

To do this manually, I have to pick every single style, go to style view mode & then inspect all intros, variations, fills, breaks & endings. This is a HUGE amount of work & a list would make this just so much easier to do...

I replaced i.e Hard Rock with another voice, but immediately noticed the poor performance in some of my new Rock styles. I had to put it back in the end.

If I do not receive an answer, I'll have to leave the original list as is and see if I can add maybe just another two lower resolution human choir voices right at the end (I think I can do so with my current memory limitations). It will not solve my issue for the missing 2011/2012 voices though... I can see that I'll eventually have to go for AJs sound board memory electronic modification upgrade - I'm already sorry for choosing not to do so when I ordered my upgrade. I'm currently loosing out big time!!!

Is there anything else (i.e user live guitars) that I need to load on start-up that's used by some styles, or will these load by itself when I call up that style?

Keep well all my friends,

Make sure you'll fly forever!