How to record Styles and Voices played in real time with the MIDIJAY using a Computer or external Sequence:

1) Set the Play Mode function of MIDIJAY to “Keyboard”.
2) Connect the Midi Out of the Midi controller to Midi In of MIDIJAY and the Midi Out of MIDIJAY to Midi In of the Computer.
3) Ensure that the Global Midi channel Rx is active and corresponds with the Transmit channel of the Master keyboard. On the Midjay, per default, the Global channel is set to Channel 1.
4) Turn on the Clock Out on MIDIJAY and the Clock In on the Computer.
5) The Midi Trasmit Channels must be active. Default condition is as follows:
Drum 1: Ch.10
Drum 2: Ch. 9
Bass: Ch. 5
Lower 1: Ch. 3
Lower 2: Ch. 4
Chord 1: Ch. 6
Chord 2: Ch. 7
Chord 3: Ch. 8
Chord 4: Ch. 11
Chord 5: Ch. 12
6) Start playing the Style and start recording by playing on the Master Keyboard. The sequence will be recorded as standard Midi file.

Midi file Playback

1) Connect the Midi Out of computer to Midi In of MIDIJAY.
2) Set the Play Mode function of MIDJAY to “GM Midi In”.
Playback the sequence on the Computer.
Design Engineer & Product Specialist.