Have recently part exchanged a Kurzweil K2500 76 note for a Triton Pro. Sounds are fantastic.

Just a couple of questions:

I have a Trinity Plus midied to the Triton. Is there anyway of presetting a chosen combination on the Trinity to be automatically called up when selecting a Triton combination - I could easily do this on the Kurzweil. The only option I can think of is to renumber the combinations on the Trinity to match the numbers on the Triton whichis very hard work.

Also the Korg salesman promised me faithfully that the sound carried over from one combination to another (as on the K2500) - this was vital to my work onstage. I am amazed to find this does not happen - only in Program mode!! Is there a way round it or, if not, do you think they might cover it in a new OS?

Please help - I have had no replies from Korg - they are definitely not as efficient as Kurzweil. If you cannot help me, do you know a "man who can"?!!! as we say in England!!!!
