I bought the two oriental disks to be loaded to SK because I am interested in different cultures. The way these are loaded are the following:

1) load the first disk as a block

2) load the second disk as "all sounds"

But when you do that, you erase everything in RAM.

Everyonce a while, when I am not playing and ignoring music, the memory loses its info, sometimes partially.

In one of these occasions, I reopened the keyboard and created songs, and sounds and experimented with styles and then I needed the oriental sounds for some work and guess what? They need to be loaded. But I do not want to reload everything.

So I tried to reload the first disk by reloading all sounds, all styles, all songs, all real perfo. all style perfom... and the second disk, the same way...

I thought by doing above, I can avoid to download the whole block to RAM and thus erasing RAM.

But it did not work. Because many of the sounds sounded like strange disturbing precussion like noise.

Does anybody have any suggestion? Greatly appreciated.