Careful, I bought a PA800 a few years back on your advice, I liked it enough to keep it and when the Pa2xPro was released I bought that and played the Korg for just under 2 years. Korg makes a great board, some nights when I was practicing with a set of Bose headphones on I'd sometimes have to turn around to make sure there really wasn't a drummer in the room with me
After about 18 months I missed the Yamaha sound and OS enough to get an s910. I eventually bought a Tyros4, I'm happy with it.
Do I miss the Korg? Yea at times I do and if I had to rate it on a scale of 100 for my use ( and I mean my use only no one else's ) I'd rate it a 90 and the Tyros 4 comes in at about 95. Been down that road, you know there's no perfect arranger just the one that suits you best. All I'm saying is give it some thought, but if your convinced go for it and enjoy!