Just for once, I'd like to see a list of features that makes an instrument 'pro' as opposed to 'home'.
I, for one, can't think of a single thing on any arranger that a talented home player would not want...
And, I'm sorry, Ian, but I am NOT looking for a truck, when Yamaha DON'T make trucks... Yamaha make trucks. Just really bad ones. I'd like them to make a GOOD truck, as good as their cars. That doesn't seem, to me, to be asking too much...
The thing that disappoints the most, though, in what you post and write is the assumption of the mantle of spokesperson for Yamaha, which you are NOT... I simply wish that your sympathies and empathy extended to your fellow arranger playing musicians, rather than your dogmatic devotion to your chosen brand's policies, no matter HOW unresponsive they are to quite legitimate needs.
I have said, many times, that IF Yamaha made a 76 TOTL arranger, your enthusiasm for it (despite you maybe not using it for gigs... after all you don't use a T3 or CVP either, but will 'defend' them to the last breath) will know no bounds, and you will go 'OF COURSE Yamaha should make a 76 TOTL, it's an obvious need for the home player' or some other form of fanboy gushing...
I'm sorry, but 'Everything Yamaha does is good, and everyone is a moron for suggesting otherwise' is nothing more than dogma. You should show your fellow musicians more consideration than a Japanese corporation, IMO. You have a LOT more in common with us than them, at least. Or at least, I HOPE you do...