The podiums are probably a great deal...I use something similar with my Yamaha MS60S speakers, that cost lots more and probably don't sound any better...but you've got to hear two L1's in stereo to be really spoiled; not just by how great they sound, but how they fill the room so good (no hot spots at all), and have such a huge stereo sweet spot.
I wasn't a Bose supporter, if you had seen my posts about it earlier, but that was until I played through two of them... BIG difference...your G70 would sound awesome through a pair, and since you have lots of moola, like me

, they wouldn't be such a stretch for you to buy...and you can even take them out on approval, I believe.
Are the Podiums available in Canada? I'd pass on a link for them to my clients if you know of one.
[This message has been edited by ianmcnll (edited 05-24-2009).]