I am aghast at how personal you all take this. And sorry, squeak, but if you talk to people face to face like that, for imagined or tiny slights like that, I imagine that professional life might be tough...
Are we really all so ignorant that we are unable to articulate our points without rancor and insult? Or is this simply the result of the 'me generation' that feels they have a right to say anything they feel like (and we don't have the right to think of them as utter wankers for saying it)?
Whatever medication you are on, I would suggest changing the dosage... up or down, I don't care
Just try something different!
Surely it should be Larry who gets worked up about the criticism, if ANYONE should..? He doesn't strike me as someone that needs anyone charging in to his rescue
Given that he is OK with it, how about showing at least an EQUAL degree of class...?