Thanks for your reply Dennis.

Since the Motif Racks are basically a Motif keyboard without the keys

I assumed the Motif Rack modules were not 'fully' GM compatible since the Motif 'keyboards' aren't, from what I've been told anyway. And guess how I found out about the Motif keyboards (side note: in particular he was talking about the Motif XS keyboard) but would apply to the whole Motif line no doubt - that's right, our friend Phil Clendeninn i.e. Bad_Mister of Yamaha U.S..

Now, he could have blurted out that piece of information and it may have been incorrect (nobody's perfect right?)

, but when I called him on it he didn't reverse the remark he made, so I assume he was stating facts and knew what he was talking about.

Anyway, if you know something regarding the Motif Racks that proves they are "fully" GM compatible then I don't doubt you Dennis.

I haven't read the RACK-XS manual yet and the manual could specifically state that it/they are i.e. "fully" GM compatible. If the Motif Racks ARE then all the better.

[This message has been edited by keybplayer (edited 07-12-2008).]