I am just babysitting Dave's PSR3000..Donny borrowed it for a few days, and I am the transporter between them..
It gave me a chance to revisit the 3000 again..
Pretty much , I view it as a PSR2100 with powdered sugar sprinkled on it..more polyphony, a few more "cool". "live" sounds, and USB...other than that the same old..same old..
I have been there ..did that...with the PSR2100..

I can honestly see how folks are excited with the 3k...and why they think it is much bang for the buck...but....if you own any top model arranger[even a Tyros2], and especially if you have them side by side...there is no comparison..you get what you pay for...

Dave will be picking up his 3k and shipping it out to it's new home..I am sure another very happy home..