Originally posted by Jerry T:
You the Man Dave! I'm sure if you came back to the Philadelphia area you'd get plenty of bookings. Seems to me that there would be a greater demand for Country music than your good Jazz where you are.
How about you posting a tune or two using your Genesys XP? By the time I get round-to-it, Donnie may be retired.
Hi Jerry,
If I can get the time over the weekend I will try to post a short video of the Genesys XP for you.
Best Regards,
P.S. I'm glad you enjoyed the video. And you are right, there are not too many venues for jazz around here and the clubs that are known for jazz are pretty locked up with house players. I have been struggling to get my group booked. A problem that I see is that the word
jazz is actually a stumbling block for many club owners and patrons alike. I have tried to focus on tunes that are recognizable so more people will enjoy our music. But I think I made a mistake in naming the band JazzItUp. It seems that the word jazz either conjures up the stereotype of a frenzied jumble of fast notes being played by a drugged out old time bebop player or strangely these days the term is also used for something more close to hip hop. “!?!”
But I’ll keep forging ahead in the hopes that good music will eventually come back around into favor. I would love to come back to Philadelphia, I think. When I lived there I was in a great trio. Played mostly out of Real Book 1 and 2. And even if some of the patrons weren’t really into jazz, they were musically literate enough to understand the effort being made on stage and appreciated the accomplishment of learning to play an instrument well. And they were attentive and applauded. OK, enough complaining, I'm bringing myself down.

Wm. David McMahan
Nat'l Product and Support Manager
Generalmusic USA
GEM Community Forums [This message has been edited by WDMcM (edited 04-27-2007).]