Well as I am putting together a "fuller" tyros review with voice samples, it's not going to "break the bank" to link some of these on another page within a table comparison of other boards. It appears that quite a few of you are interested, as long as we can get a few boards then even if the voice differences are somewhat diverse between different machines, it might prove interesting. This isn't so much "my sax is better than yours", but something for those who are after a particular "sound" when choosing a new machine. We have already seen that everyones opinion on what is regarded as a good piano differs, so its a personal thing. This isnt a competition, more of a neat way to give prospective customers of different boards an idea of how different "key" instruments sound on different boards. This would be extended to percussion too, a simple drum pattern could be easily replicated on different machines. We could compare a simple piano/bass/drums set, etc....

Anyway I'll put together the tyros end of things and we can see where it goes from there. Don't send me anything yet, I'll post you all if and when I intend to go ahead with this idea. Generally it seems a worthwhile project, as long as it doesnt get out of hand and take up all my webspace!


Simon G.K. Williams
Creative Music & Multimedia